28 October 2008

Victoria University to close Melton, Sunbury campuses

An excerpt. For full article go to the webpage

Victoria University to close Melton, Sunbury campuses
Billy Crossland
October 28, 2008 02:28pm

VICTORIA University will close two campuses, affecting thousands of students after intense speculation about its financial troubles.

Chancellor Frank Vincent confirmed the closure move in an announcement today. “Council agreed that VU should stop enrolment of new students at two of its small outer suburban campuses at Melton and Sunbury from 2010, although it recognised that enrolments may cease in 2009 in courses deemed to be too small across the whole university,” it said.

Melton State Labor MP Don Nardella slammed the decision, calling it “shambolic” and a “disaster”. The statement also said decisions were “subject to approvals from relevant governments’’, but Mr Nardella said this was misleading attempt to shift the blame to goverments.

The Melton Campus has 606 higher education students and 230 TAFE students. Victoria University has 11 campuses and sites in Melbourne's western suburbs and the CBD, including the campuses earmarked for closure.

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