12 December 2008

Stopwork Meeting 8 December 2008

Stopwork Meeting 8 December 2008
The NTEU Stopwork Meeting passed the following motions:

1. That this meeting condemn:
• The unnecessary decision of the Vice‐Chancellor to continue to proceed with her program of forced redundancies;
• The ongoing failure of VU Council and senior management to consult with staff before implementing major decisions and failure of senior management to manage the University properly;
• The complete lack of respect shown by senior management for the hard working staff of Victoria University; and
• The complete disloyalty shown by management to the University in seeking to destroy Victoria University and education in the western region.

Carried unanimously

2. That this meeting endorse the NTEU’s Enterprise Bargaining log of claims, particularly its claim for job security with no forced retrenchments.

Carried unanimously

3. That this meeting endorse the following actions by NTEU Members in pursuit of a new Collective Agreement at Victoria University. Unless and until such an Agreement is reached, the Union should implement these actions over the coming weeks:

• Comprehensive bans on Making VU, including all course reviews which involve incorporation of any of the five commitments, professional development associated with Making VU, attendance of cluster meetings and attendance of any seminars associated with Making VU;
• Bans on contribution to VU’s Higher Education Research Data Collection processes, including faculty and school level processes;
• Bans on contribution to VU’s course and unit management systems, including the CAMS process and related reporting activities;
• Bans on any recording, or transmission to the University, of assessment results for University Summer School units; and
• A 24 hour strike commencing on Monday 15 December, to involve pickets on higher education campuses and a boycott of the Vice‐Chancellor’s end of year party to coincide with a rank‐and‐file end‐of‐year staff party — come and celebrate the end of the year with your friends and colleagues at Footscray Rowing Club!

Carried unanimously

4. That this meeting call on the National Office and Victorian Division of the NTEU to establish a subdivision of the National Defence Fund to help support staff and their families taking even more forceful industrial action in the New Year.

Carried unanimously

5. That this meeting supports the general campaign against senior management’s proposed round of redundancies in their entirety.



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